May 3, 2011

UBL Burial at sea....

My daydream........

UBL's Burial at sea.... I can just see the ceremony. H-60 zipping along at 150 nmph, 50 off the deck', the formation lights off. Only the soft glow from the instruments lighting the bird. A pork chop sandwich is stuffed into the now mostly empty brain cavity of UBL and ...the words "Rot In Hell" are softly spoken into his lifeless ear by a cigar chomping Chief in sweaty web gear,....UBL's limp corpse is pushed into the darkness by the heel of a dusty boot..... No sound is heard over the choppers roar,........ and nothing is seen as he disappears into the black but a quick and faint photoluminescent splash aft of the birds flightpath, .....Pilot log book reads "Waste disposal" with the Lat & Long never recorded.

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