August 18, 2015

Grey Goo Is Killing US, and the antidote for Progressive Politics

We are slowly being consumed by "Grey Goo"or  Progressive Politics. 

    "What? Grey Goo is going to get me?"

  No.  It already has, some more than others, but we are all infected to one degree or another.  Let me explain. 

  First,  the symptoms of being contaminated by the "Grey Goo." 
  • Words have differing meanings depending on circumstances, certain words are not to be used, and inappropriate words are used in place.
  • Fact, science, and histories change to suite present conditions.
  • Logical thinking is ignored and or ridiculed.
  • Absolute Good does not exist.
  • Absolute Bad/Evil does not exist.
  • If one achieves, produces or gains success it was probably achieved by evil means and if one fails it was by the evil intent and or action of others. ("Oh! How can points three and five be valid?"  See my next point......)
  • Contradictions and hypocrisy are ignored especially if it furthers the production of more Grey Goo.

  We/they use Grey Goo every day, at the office, at home, in our relationships, in our political beliefs, and our religion. We attend "voluntary" lunch meeting because not attending would reflect badly when evaluation time rolls around. Tiger woods wanted to be a playboy and a family man at the same time. (Sorry dude, you can only pick one) We may snap at our spouse because we are frustrated with an unrelated manner, leaving the spouse miffed and confused. We complain about our political system but don't vote, and otherwise do not hold our representatives accountable.  (And they/we rely on the Grey Goo more and more every day.)  Its a bit maddening and dirty

   "I don't think I want or like the Grey Goo.   Seems icky and wrong.   Help Me!"

Don't worry, there is a cure.  Just think, rationally that is.  Yep, that simple, but not easy.  The most interesting thing about man is that he is a thinking rational creature.  He as a naked animal that is, soft of skin, slow, susceptible to cold and heat, has weak teeth and no claws, his noes ears and eyes are not exceptional.  His offspring are born one at a time and helpless for many years requiring much effort to bring to maturity. 
   What man excels at is thinking with his mind.  He is a rational creature.  He views, measures and accesses his environment, makes decisions that help him live, and to not do so will lead to death be it immediate or in the long term.  With man's thinking mind he can now see across the universe, and detect and analyze the smallest atomic particles. He grows and raises food, pre-digesting it in factories and or other mechanized means (cooking).  He can have the thickest armor, fly to the moon, live on the equator the artic or other planets (soon) for that matter.  In short, rational thinking is good.  What is good you may ask? (And this is important)  Good is what helps man live.  Food is good, sex is good, air is good, clothing is good, steel is good, my guitar is good, science is good, thinking rationally is good. These few examples help us live. (Hope I made my point.)

The Inoculation or thinking rationally.
    • Words mean things. Not only do they convey thought they are a contract between people to communicate  ideas.  It is the way we tell others about our environment, our desires, and ideas.  An intentionally misused word is a breaking of the contract, specifically used to deceive, to give one a false view of his environment; otherwise to prevent rational thinking.  ("So the voluntary lunch meeting is really not voluntary?"   Uh-hu, emm yes.  You know it, they know it.   The same way "Undocumented Immigrants" is thrown around in the news and by politicians.  "Sow why do they do that?"  They do it to rob from you.  To take your time without the agreed compensation in the first case, and to prevent you from properly accessing your environment in the second.  An Undocumented Immigrant implies a lack of paperwork for someone who intends to lawfully enter and reside, when in fact the first act upon entering the country was to break the law.  In short:To prevent you from making a rational decision.)  One must view words as contracts and treat them as such. You wouldn't hire a contractor to tile your floor and accept carpet it in violation of the signed contract, right?
    • Fact, science, and histories do not change.  Shure new facts emerge, new discoveries, but a fact is a fact.  These are the data points of our rational world. A hydrogen atom is a hydrogen atom, an ounce of gold is an ounce of gold, human nature is human nature.
    • Think logically.  A=A  Think scientifically? ( What is the true cost of  energy?  Should we not think in terms of thermal dynamics rather than political-economics?)  Substitute ideas and people in the news to see if you are being manipulated.  What if Condoleezza Rice had a private e-mail server?  George Jefferson uses the "Honkey" word all the time but the Duke boys never uttered an even off comment about any ethnic group ever.  Why is George still on the air and the Dukes are off?
    • Good does exist.  What helps man to live is good. Ask yourself often, Is this good?
    • Bad/Evil does exist, it what prevents man from living.  It has many forms.  Recognize it, do not accept it.
    • Achievement is good.  Wealth is good. Selfishness is not A NEGITIVE WORD. (Sorry I yelled but this is important.)
    • Contradictions do not exist.  If you find a contradiction check your premise, one is wrong. And you are not required to tolerate hypocrisy of any kind.
    • Do not violate your integrity.
      The Grey Goo is the absence of thought and reason.  It provides a false view of the environment and prevents thinking. Grey Goo prevents the spread of ideas and destroys.  It does not serve man to live.  It is not good.  It is the tool of the Progressive left (and right).  It is the tool of  for choice that use the name of God to make others suffer. It is the tool of vain and pretentious political leaders that think they know better.  Grey Goo is the food of the collectivist, the socialist, the communist, the dictator , the theocracy, and totalitarian alike.  Grey Goo is poison for the thinking individual. (And thus the constant effort to classify and group us all.)

    Really think, its like a cup or two of brain bleach killing off the grey goo..



    March 1, 2015

    Our republic us out of scale

      It is my opinion that we are no longer represented by our elected officials because the voting public has too little influence as compared to a big corporation or the deep pockets of special interest groups. Corporatism now abounds while capitalism is pushed to the side, and blamed for any failure or perceived social injustice. The path we are on is doomed to failure because it is a consumptive process, stripping drive ambition, wealth and capital in exchange for privilege and power. 

      Our republic us out of scale.    

       The Wright brothers built their experimental flying machine in their spare time apart from their bicycle manufacturing business . Does one think the same freedom exists today to achieve? What type of permits and government permission would be required if a parallel venture were to happen today? How much innovation has been stifled because of the ever increasing and invasive bureaucracy.   
      We are out of scale. There is no chance to ever run into any of our elected officials in line at the Wallymart or grocery. Our officials are distant and faceless to us in everyday life.  We only see what the media allows us to see.  We are disconnected from our leadership and they are disconnected from us.. I think it may be time to start thinking about resizing our republic.
     The first census in 1790 counted 4 million Americans. Based on that count, the total number of members elected to the House of Representatives grew from the original 65 to 106.  That rounds up to about 38,000 individuals per congressman as compared to today with a population of 319 million with 435 house representatives a ratio of 733,333 to one, a twenty fold increase.  If we were to stick with the math we would need to have over 8,395 house representatives! 
      At first this number seems insane, but is it?  How much more difficult would it be for corporate or special interest to line the pockets lobby so many more representatives.  In reality one only has to lobby one half of one party or roughly 1/4 of the house, 108 members with the present structure as compared to 2,098 if we maintained the scale of the past.  Think how special interest would have to put so much more effort and money to lobby an extra 2,000 members, yet you, the individual would be much more closely connected.
    Would getting legislation passed more or less difficult?  I don't know, and don't care frankly, it's  just having a larger number of cats to herd .


    January 27, 2015

    Make mine freedom

    Sometimes a look to the past is needed, so lets do so, in this case a film from 1948 made by .

     Hmmmm. I guess we were warned.  Sigh........  Guess its all in the reflexes....

    Must drink from the cup of objective thought...

    January 15, 2015

    Capitalism, a moral construct and why they must destroy it...

       Yesterday I happened to reach my hand into the preverbal bucket of ells over at cmblake6's porch
    discussing the interest in both political parties on raising gas taxes because the cost of fossil fuels is down at the moment,  sparking some fundamental thinking and specifically  asking myself why? (This is en edited and expanded version/of my comments on his page)

    On energy:

     Fundamentally keeping energy costs down is the most critical aspect to the function of a society. The lower the cost, the greater we all benefit and inversely, the higher the cost of energy the less efficient any activity costs with no benefit being realized. Lower the cost of energy and all of a sudden, new mines become profitable, farmers can run pumps and till the soil for less $$ and it costs less to run the beer cooler at the local mini-mart. The result is more stuff, cheaper for everyone and yep , that’s a simplification but true, everyone wins.

      "But my friend Joe works in the oilfield and he is afraid of being laid off"

    We can always find a case of individual hardship if we look close enough, but the reality is the entire
    society benefits from lower energy costs.  This is what the left does, uses emotion to get their way, to ratchet up the rhetoric.  We don't do that here if we wish to be intellectually honest and maintain integrity.

    So why would any Republican party member want to increase taxes on energy? Well I will answer that, that is because these progressive Republicans do not have, recognize, or have compromised the moral value of capitalism. And YES!  Capitalism is a moral construct, it is an ideal.

    "Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned.

    The recognition of individual rights entails the banishment of physical force from human
    relationships: basically, rights can be violated only by means of force. In a capitalist society, no man or group may initiate the use of physical force against others. The only function of the government, in such a society, is the task of protecting man’s rights, i.e., the task of protecting him from physical force; the government acts as the agent of man’s right of self-defense, and may use force only in retaliation and only against those who initiate its use; thus the government is the means of placing the retaliatory use of force under objective control."

    And the very ideal must be destroyed by the progressives, socialist, tribal chieftain or any other oligarchies for that matter.

       "When I say “capitalism,” I mean a full, pure, uncontrolled, unregulated laissez-faire capitalism—with a separation of state and economics, in the same way and for the same reasons as the separation of state and church."--A.Rand

    Why? Because Capitalism, proves them all wrong. With true capitalism, not this phony semi
    socialistic cronyism we have now, there is no such thing as a poor oppressed working class that is so needed in our favorite socialistic societies. Class privilege is non existent as are monopolies in true capitalism. Economic mobility, freedom of expression abound. Capitalism thrives in a limited government setting, while socialism can only exist with the heavy fist of the state, and well, the state is not going to willingly cede power.

    Increasing the cost of energy through taxation is like adding abrasive to the oil of an engine, the engine has to work harder due to the added friction; the same is true for an economy, and if I were asked on the best and quickest way to damage the ideal of capitalism, I would increase the cost of energy at every level and blame capitalism for its own failure at every turn. Sound familiar ?  

    So why are these guys in office? WTF? Time to get some real challengers lined up for the next primary….. I an so tired of the immoral/unprincipled/chameleon claiming they are leading us….. 

    “Only fundamental principles, rationally validated, clearly understood and voluntarily accepted, can create a desirable kind of unity among men.”—A. Rand

    I dare any politician to answerer  the following question:    (Oh how I would love to moderate a live primary debate!)

    Does man need values at all—and why?

    Recommended reading:  Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal

    January 9, 2015

    Bucket of Eels, an analogy

      I know my posting has been lacking in the recent past and I apologize.  One reason is that I am having a hard time tiring to get my head around the events of the recent past and how to make sense of them. Too much to for one to comprehend each issue individually, too much to handle all at once.  There has been, police murders at the hands of racists, protests, betrayal by our elected officials (Congress and the election of our overly tan Speaker), attacks by Islamofacits in France, and the creation of a new Federal program, MyIRA, by the Executive Branch (uhhhh???  Unconstitutional!!!!)....the list goes on. 

      Just how is one to deal with all of this at once?   Well one cant.  In my political/ philosophical thinking I have come up with the concept/analogy that it is like "A Bucket of Eels"; slimy, always in motion, each eel blending with the others, at any one moment any one eel (issue) can not be seen completely.  The issue or eel hides behind others intertwining in the total slime of its environment. Try to grab any specific eel out of the bucket and chances are you will come up empty handed and covered in slime. (The progressive rely on this!!!)

       I remember a family friend we would visit by boat, my family and I  crossing the Great South Bay
    from Long Island, NY to his residence on Fire Island.  This gentleman whom was retired, seemed ancient to me as teen and was as "Salty" as the day was long in summer.  I remember him prepping eels he had trapped for market.  He would prep his hands with sand, reach into the bucket and expertly remove a live squirming eel and stun it by throwing it against a board. The stunned eel would then be expertly gutted and skinned in one fluid motion; a single cut and a pull resulting in  the head skin and organs tossed to the waiting sea birds, the silver grey eel prepped for market.

      So as for my analogy its pretty simple to see how politicians, activist and the media are represented by the eels, but how to deal with them is best represented by the old Long Island Fisherman.  The sand on your hands is your philosophy, it provides for your grip on the issue; one must have a firm grip on the issue.  Does one have the ability to grip every issue/eel all at once?  No, but once you have a grip, stun the issue with irrefutable facts and quickly skin it showing its true inner structure, repeat until the bucket is empty.  Apply as much sand as necessary and repeat until the bucket is empty. 

    Skinning eels may be difficult but the results are delicious...