July 23, 2010

Another example of Dem Damn Dems.

A D.C. cab driver said he was stiffed by Congressman Jerald Nadler (D-NY), who he said walked off without paying his fare.

Nadler, 8th district in NY, is your typically Assshat Progressive Socialist Dem.  He will tout that he is for the little guy but wont think twice about stiffing a cabbie.  

Sorry I  can't embed the video but here is the link:

(What a dick!)

July 21, 2010

Liberal Racism

Original  story: Liberal Racism

This is a great piece by Allen West who is running for the as seat in Florida's 22nd Congressional district.  It's renews my faith in my country to see men of strong moral character standing up and saying what needs to said.  Buy the way, he doesnt look angry or ..... ra...  never mind.  I encourage supporting him.

Juicy Snippets:

"It is this duplicitous hypocrisy which allows me to state that the NAACP is shamefully now a liberal racist enabler. The upcoming mid-term elections have the Democrat party in certain peril. Therefore they have turned to their tactic of first and last resort, race baiting.

The resolution issued by the NAACP against the Tea Party is just a strategy to focus this coming election not against liberal progressive policies, which are anathema to our Republic. No, the NAACP, in conjunction with their masters, the Democrat party, seek to make this into an election based upon an insane charge of racial hatred."

"I find the Tea Party, to which I have spoken to several times, stands for fundamental principles and values consistent with that which has made America an exceptional Constitutional Republic.

Therefore, under the "leadership" of Al Sharpton, this counter group One Nation obviously stands for principles which are antithetical to our Republic."

"antithetical to our Republic"  Mr. West is definitely polite.  I would have used much stronger language.  BTW: I like your shirt Allen!

LaSalamander Rewards!

Happy Birthday Bro!

I know there are only five, kept one for myself!

July 19, 2010

Jobless in Cuba? Communism faces the unthinkable.

This story is brought to my attention by Kalishna Kitty.
"Without people feeling the need to work to make a living, sheltered by state regulations that are excessively paternalistic and irrational, we will never stimulate a love for work" -Is this a quote from Ayn Rand? Ronald Reagan? Thomas Jefferson? Nope, believe it or not it was actually said by Raul Castro!

Other great snippets: It's a common sight in communist Cuba. Here, nearly everyone works for the state and official unemployment is minuscule, but pay is so low that Cubans like to joke that "the state pretends to pay us and we pretend to work."

With the government giving no details of its thinking, rumors have spread that as many as a fourth of all government workers in some industries could lose their jobs or be moved to farming or construction. But Labor Minister Margarita Gonzalez has promised that "Cuba will not employ massive firings in a manner similar to neoliberal cutbacks," using "neoliberal" as a description of free-market policies.

Neoliberal!  Ha! I like that!  (Can't say Capitalism outloud can you!)