December 18, 2009

And where was the outrage then…..?

Last night my neighborhood had its annual Christmas, luminary/hayride party.  It was very nice. Santa showed up. The kids got a candy canes, cookies and hot chocolate.  Homemade treats were freely consumed as well as a few adult beverages ( in big red cups to keep this a G rated family event.) Nice times, big smiles and the rain held off; an overall success.

But then there was Stan. 

Stan is a neighbor that wears his "Progressive Liberalism" on his sleeve.  He works at or just promotes a local radio station that carries and spews Liberal blather.  He has never been shy about his political views.  Other than his driving skills, he is mostly tolerated in the neighborhood .

This is what happened.  Last night my buddy M1ARocks happened to have on this T-shrit.  It was not displayed prominently as he wore it under his jacket but Stan saw it and immediately launched into a loud  F-Bomb laden diatribe calling my buddy a traitor, racist, and any other despicable adjective you can think of.  M1 just stood there kinda smirking and giggling as Stan went on.  I politely reminded Stan that there were kids present and Santa probably doesn't appreciate the language. We then reminded Stan that for eight years there was no outrage for disrespecting our president.

Relevant story:

December 16, 2009

Mac Attack


Didnt know that the Israelis were PC fans.

December 15, 2009

Appearing busy in Cubical Hell.

For those that want to be appear hard at work here is a great time wasting and mostly safe games to play at the office; especially if you are in a high density cubical hell environment.


The Morgan Freeman Chain Of Command