Just some notes to help if someone is searching for what this is. The note has printed on it: Delivery Notice Attempt Notice from GE Authorized dealer GE Home Technologies. SAC Delivery notice. Must call between 4:30pm and 8:30pm to schedule delivery.
Think I will fax this to them....
UPDATE (10/25/11) Just after posting the above I took a loooong break from posting and I never really thought much of it again. Boy was I surprised ant the amount of traffic and the quality of the comments. First I want to thank everyone who has visited and commented. The comments are pure gold, especially the ones that support this sleazy practice. Please continue to comment and if there are new variations in the post-its send on a photo and I will post it here. Also share this info on your favorite social media site and help your friends and neighbors be informed and stop this fraudulent advertising practice. Nothing stops an advertising gimmick quicker than it not working.
BTW: Traffic to this post has been incredible and the GE logo is no longer used. I say that is a win for the informed consumer.
Other phone numbers reported:
They are doing it in the World Golf Village area also.Its a Soliciting Scam done by Scotts Alarm ..they put a delivery attempt notice on your door that makes it look like you missed a package or letter, but really when you call the 800 number its attempt to sell you alarm service! if you see them in your area call your local police dept!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info, I just got home in Heritage Landing and found one of these on my door. I googled it to find out it was a delivery scam from scott alarm, I will be contacting my hoa and the bbb to put a stop to this soliciting.(Shame on you Scott alarm for doing something this distasteful.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments. We need to set these guys straight. Send them Faxes call the office number and pass the info on. This practice is totally deceptive and fraudulent.
ReplyDeleteDitto two the second anon comment. I am also in Heritage Landing and got one of these. Google led me here. I'll also contact the BBB.
ReplyDeleteto* (sorry...)
ReplyDeleteI actually hand deliver these to your doors everyday and to tell you the truth there is no scam it is simply a marketing technique that we are trying out.. you are given a 100$ real life gift card to an online store just for letting a representative come to your home and talk to you about possibly getting a system. This is a free gift to you. Everything is at your discretion. You don't have to call you can simply throw it away. But why would you throw away 100$???
ReplyDeleteYea you people are all whinin and boo hooin over nothin its better then a sales rep knockin on your door talkin your ear off. Its basically like an advertisment you would get in the mail and honestly you would be stupid not to call because aside from the $100 gift card u get for asking them to come to your house you get a $25 gift card just for calling.
ReplyDeleteTo the above two posts:
ReplyDeleteLets look at this objectively.
I will ask a few questions:
Where does this post-it state that it is an advertisement, offer or marketing devise?
Where does this post-it state what corporation it represents?
Does GE know you are using its logo in this way? I bet its not long before you hear from one of their lawyers.
Why does it mimic the corporate colors and style of the United Parcel Service rather than your corporation's ?
Where is the offer of the gift card for the call/sales pitch? Did I miss it? (I think you are full of shit)
What ever happened to a salesman saying, "I have a good product at a good price"? (Oh right deceit and fear work better than hard work) And thanks for remaining anonymous... It just adds to your lack of credibility.
No you don't .. you get the 100$ that's it. And you have to be the homeowner. You can't just call and get 25$ to be picked up in a parking lot at bestbuy... what are you retarded. They give you 100$ that's it and honestly its worth it if you were already shopping for an alarm system. One thing the idiot above failed to mention is that they give free installation and equipment. The lady on the phone tells you about it when you call. I came to this site because it was the top link when you search about the notice, but everyone is misunderstanding the whole point. This is just good advertising. It's so good it makes us mad. Ha. I'm excited they are comin to my hose in the morning. Hopefully its all true.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing that is "distasteful" here is the blog itself! Shame on you for being so close-minded! Some people are trying to WORK & try new ideas to reach others around them to IMPROVE their lives & peace of mind - not destroy it!
ReplyDeletePeople are calling from around the country to say what they think - THANKFUL people.
Those trying to defend this are missing the point. Not only is it deceitful, but Heritage Landing is a on-soliciting neighborhood, therefore soliciting business door to door is NOT ALLOWED. You may be a GE authorized dealer but trying to get people to call you by making them believe they naked a delivery is shady business practice. It's not clever marketing.
ReplyDeleteI am THE person that HAND-WROTE that particular sticky note and put it onto your door. Since you went through the trouble of taking a ridiculous picture of yourself flicking off an inanimate object and posting this slanderous blurb, I'll respond this one and only time in order of your complaints/ignorant statements.
ReplyDelete1. Just to clarify, Post-It is a company that creates what are commonly referred as 'sticky notes' but is not the company used for the sticky note in question; for your information the company that creates our sticky notes is Bic.
2. This is just out of curiosity, why did you feel the need to type the number out exactly as it appears on the picture you presented? Seems a little redundant, if people can read your garbage blurb then they ought to be able to read the number on the note in the picture.
3. As mentioned in my introduction, that sloppily written number in green is handwritten. While the sticky notes may be mass produced, we do have to take the time to hand write our individual numbers onto each sticky note we place. Are you really ignorant enough to think or believe that a company would mass produce sticky notes with poorly written numbers? Did you think that some type of font you'd never seen before? Go talk to your neighbor and ask to look at his or her own sticky note if you don't believe me.
4. The "quick research on the internetz" bit showed off just how stupid you are. Your post alone proves just how inaccurate the internet can be. I'm sure you're the type of person that thinks everything on Wikipedia is an indisputable fact. Saying something on the internet doesn't make it true. Also, putting 'Z' at the end of a word, especially a word that can't ever be plural, isn't cool, it's lame; it puts you on the same level of stupidity as people who use 1337 speak.
5. Sure, I'll agree that the notice is deceptive, but it isn't a scam. My colleagues above already addressed this in previous comments so I won't bother repeating it. The company has already given away thousands of dollars to people who haven't spent a penny and don't ever plan to do so.
In conclusion, it's sad that you took the time to create this completely inaccurate blurb that will probably screw idiots just like you out of a hundred dollars. You are not worth the time I took to fill out that sticky note and place it on your door. You're not worth this response but it just so happens I got a kick out of writing it and hope it at least somewhat teaches you what paragraphs and well written English looks like.
The college student that got paid to put a sticky note on your door that offered you a hundred dollars for nothing more than fifteen minutes of your time.
P.S. I'd bet a hundred dollars that you delete this post as quickly as you can because you don't want the truth to get out and have everyone see just how inaccurate the information you presented is. It's okay though, not many people are going to notice a blog that doesn't even respect itself enough to start its own website. Oh, and I bet it took you longer to write your blurb than it took me to write this response.
If he didnt collect his $100 for not taking down his post, I will. Also, this is deceptive as hell. I work in retail advertising for a major company, and it is 100 percent wrong!!!! Deception is not a new idea!!! 3rd Why are there boxes for 1st delivery attempt, 2nd delivery attempt... when I dint receipt any notices of those?!?!?!?!?! Go get a real job!!!!!
DeleteI searched the notice also, and was almost a critic in this corner yesterday. I know it looks like false advertisement, but decided to be positive & give them a call. We've had a lot of break-ins in our neighborhood & Scott Alarm really gave me a security system! Glad I called!
ReplyDeleteI called the number and was told about the gift card for fifteen minutes of my time so I decided to make an appointment and see if it was true. I made it clear to the salesman that I wasn't interested from the start, he was very polite, gave me my hundred dollar gift card and was out in ten minutes. If someone wants to trick me into free money I'm all for it.
ReplyDeleteSo I left a message that made everything completely clear and just like I said, you deleted it. For those who didn't see my original post, I am THE person that left the handwritten sticky note in the pic at this guy's door. As to your questions...
ReplyDeleteThe sticky note, remember from the comment that you deleted that I told you it isn't a Post-It because Post-It is a company and the not the company we use for the sticky notes, it doesn't have to state directly that it is a marketing device. That's how you spell device, <- there it is again, correctly by the way.
The sticky note says it is from an authorized dealer of GE Home Technologies. Yes, GE is well aware of this marketing campaign and is all for it.
I'll agree with you on the colors but blue and yellow would make it look way too artsy don't you think?
If you actually took the time to call the number, which you obviously haven't (way to get all the facts before posting); you would be told all about the gift cards. I don't think it's unreasonable to only reward those who take two seconds out their day to dial a number. It's not on a time limit; you could call in a few days after receiving your note if you want.
Lastly, no, I'm not going to give you, a person who obviously has WAY too much time on his hands, my name or email information so you could stalk me.
The college student that got paid to put a sticky note on your door that offered you a hundred dollars for nothing more than fifteen minutes of your time.
P.S. My previous comment would've shed a lot of light for those looking for the truth behind the sticky note but he deleted it because he wants to keep lying and misinforming people.
P.S.S. You're welcome for the second example of good English literature by the way.
ReplyDeleteI have Scotts Alarm I'm going to switch to safe touch because they didn't respect our no Soliciting rule.
ReplyDeleteThey did the same thing to us here in Mura Bella Housing development in Florida... I was gonna call but gave it to the husband.. Boy, this is a new low... I guess i'll call GE and let them know whats up as well......
ReplyDeleteI am in the World Golf village area too and all our houses have ALREADY been built with an alarm system..why the heck would we want Scott Alarm? No thank you! Please do not leave these False delivery notices on our doors. I am going to discuss this with the authorities as i am sure its illegal pretending to be a delivery company using UPS colors on the sticky post.
ReplyDeleteI also live in Murabella subdivision I received a note on my door about a missed delivery, the funny thing, is the driver was in front of my house watching me load my car and waited for me to leave. after I left he placed the sticky note on my door. I turned around because I forgot something and he was leaving my front door. There has got to be a better way to get business guys!!
ReplyDeleteGot one yesterday in Monument Point near Ft. Caroline. I wonder what we all used to do before the Internet. The comments from persons allegedly putting these notices out seem to have no scruples about wasting peoples' time. No one can claim it isn't deceptive. Illegal? Probably not. They may actually have an envelope to give you if you call.
ReplyDeleteMy Question:
Why would you do business with anyone who has to deceive you into making a call?
I don't care if I needed or wanted an alarm system. Pick another vendor.
I agree
DeleteI don't understand what is all the fuss about. When I called and found out it was about alarms I was actually excited. I have been looking to switch my services for a while. Long story short, I found out that I am stuck with safe touch for another year and a half. I thought I signed 3 year contract not 5. Well, I did not get new security but I got $100.00. What's the harm in that?
ReplyDeleteWe got these in our "No Soliciting" neighborhood also. Our association security has been notified. I would never do business with a company that practices such deceptive marketing. And the childish rant by the supposed character who is delivering these "Post-Its" does not represent the company in a positive light.
ReplyDeleteI live in Heritage Landing and received the notice on my door. I contacted them since I was looking for an alarm system that wouldn't force me to have to pay a thousand or more dollars upfront just have the equipment installed. The customer service department was extremely helpful and I was able to make an appointment for the following evening. The security consultant was very understanding to my situation in needing an alarm system and provided me great information about what would need to be installed to protect my home. The installation was done free of charge including the equipment the only out of pocket cost was for the first months fee of service. The installation was quick and has given me the peace of mind I need since I am in the final stages of finalizing my divorce. I received 100.00 in gift cards for my time but I feel that with the customer service I received it would have still been worth the service without the added incentive. When my daughter first called to get information regarding the advertisement they in no way lied or deceived the purpose of the sticky note left and were upfront about the service they were providing.
ReplyDeleteThe "Fax" number that you have posted in your Blog is actually Ken Amaro's office #. Who is a Reporter for First Coast News and is actually the one who tries to stop and inform consumers from this very scam and others like it. His tag line is "I'm calling Ken"
ReplyDeleteI live in Bartram Springs and found a similar sticky note on my door tonight. My first instinct was "this is UPS," because of the color scheme and barcode on the note. The GE logo even makeS it look more legit. However, I was still skeptical. Called anyway just to see what it was. Didn't take long to realize it was a trick to get people to dial the call center. I have Safetouch and I am extremely happy and would not change anyway.
ReplyDeleteSo on to my objective anlysis. To the individuals (or individual) posting as anonymous and claiming to be satisfied customers, or the individual claiming to be the innocent employee of the company leaving these sticky notes, I have some comments to add to the discussion. (These were my thoughts prior to reading the Bruha's blog.)
1) While this is technically not a scam, it is a deception. And a blatantly obvious deception at that. I do not wish to purchase products or services from a company whose employee(s) openly admit(s) to using deceptive marketing practices. This is the same reason I don't subscribe to Directv. When the story changes after the sales guy gets out his first sentence...I'm done listening. See ya.
2) How about some good old-fashioned honest marketing. For example, deliver post cards in the mail describing your services and the $100 gift card. Or even if you stick an ad "hanger" on my door, at least be honest and straightforward about what you are selling. I have switched alarm systems and lawn care services in the past because of these legit marketing practices.
3) Speaking of the gift card, I was told I could receive a $100 gift card but could not be told where I could use it. The only assumption I can come to is the gift card is fake or perhaps some online store that sells fish bait and rubber hoses. So I have no idea what it is really worth. Once again, be clear in your advertisement.
4) Does the call center and/or Scott Alarms have written permission from GE to print the GE logo on these sticky notes? If yes, then you have done your due diligence and I approve of the use of the logo. If not, then you should carefully review the trademark and copywrite infringement laws. Because you stand to profit from use of this logo, GE may have legal grounds to seek compensation from you - in addition to any amounts you may already be paying for GE technology employed in your services. For your sake, prove me wrong.
5) Regardless of how the call center or Scott Alarms attempts to defend this marketing strategy, IT IS STILL EXTREMELY ANNOYING. Please stop.
This is stupid.
ReplyDeleteArguing on the internet is like racing in the special Olympics. You might win, but you are still retarted.
Many companies advertise this way. If you see its an ad and dont want it, DONT CALL!
Thank you for this. I got this, and I was freaking out wondering what I might have ordered. I thought I had a credit card scam or something, and so I was relieved to find out that it was just some distasteful marketing scam.
ReplyDeleteSo - GE puts a missed delivery notice on your MAILBOX in your NO SOLICITING neighborhood and you call the number as indicated. (When I did it, no one answered after several tries.)
ReplyDeleteAccording to the many Anonymous posters (who are probably all the same person) they were RELIEVED to find out it was a sales pitch from Scott Alarm. Doubtful. How many times have you ever been pleased as punch to find out you've been deceived into a sales pitch?
Thanks for posting this, I googled "ge delivery attempt notice" and it lead to this blog. Just tossed the sticky note to the garbage.
ReplyDeleteNote to self. Never do business with Scott's Alarm. Completely deceptive way to market. This will hurt your business, people aren't as stupid as you think in this information age. I will make a point to pass this information along to every one of my social media sites. You lose!
ReplyDeleteSeriously? Every positive post on here is obviously from the same person or people representing Scott's Alarm. Do you think people are stupid? I will never do business with your company and tell everyone I know about this!
ReplyDeleteYou alive? Hellooooooooooo?
ReplyDeletethanks for the info, I had a feeling it was a scam and did a search and found this. good job
ReplyDeleteLooks like this is still going on. I live in N. Miami, FL and work from home. My desk is maybe 12 feet from the front door. I've been home all day and found the notice on the door around noon....no one knocked on the door.
ReplyDeleteAnd this appeared to be a "mass" notice and I found this site. When I called (slightly different toll free number on my "notice"), they did say they were a Security company.
Just bad, bad, bad deceptive practice.
Just received the same notice,I live in South Fla. I had a bad feeling when it didn't give any type of info as to what it was for. I'm glad I found this site after researching it. I hope GE gets wind of this as I don't think they would like to associated with it.
ReplyDeleteJust received one in Cincinnati, Ohio. Glad for whomever made this site as it seemed fishy as I did not have any orders coming from GE. talk about a deceptive marketing technique, if they have to be so deceptive to get sales makes you wonder they may not be so honest about, I personally thing this company has very little integrity to do this. Thank you for the heads up!
ReplyDeleteToo bad they haven't been given any/enough tickets for soliciting without a license. The number used in IN this week was 1-877-625-1118. If anyone sees them walking around, contact the local PD to force them to be licensed to solicit in your area.
ReplyDeletereceived a "notice" in lexington, ky this week. glad i googled before calling. you'd think they would get a better response if they were honest and just posted a note that says "we're [alarm company], contact us for a free home evaluation and receive a $100 gift card!" I may have been interested in that case.
ReplyDeleteDon't bother calling GE, or worrying about their logo being abused. "GE Home Techologies" is allowing - I assume for a fee - local electronic security sellers/installers use their brand to sell the product. There isn't a GE Home Technologies per se, and it os not a GE product you'd be purchasing.
ReplyDeleteJust received one (using 1-877-625-1118, same sticky note) in Palm Beach County, FL.
ReplyDeletejust got this notice in Fort Lauderdale, call the number and I told them I was calling the cops they hang up, looked up the lic # EF20000455 and it belong to a
Certified Alarm System Contractor I
License Location Address*: 4362 NORTHLAKE BLVD STE 207 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410
Main Address*: 3223 COMMERCE PLACE #101 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33407
license expires 08/31/2012
this is SCAM!!!
Just got this notice in Sunrise, FL (1-877-625-1118). The area where the GE logo used to be is now being left blank, but everything else is exactly as described.
DeleteI just got one yesterday. When I called today, the woman who answered went into the spiel. I told her it sounded like false advertising and SHE hung up on ME! HAH! The number on this one was 1-888-423-7434 in Allentown, PA.
ReplyDeletei think your all whiny bitches......this is business....without it....none of you would have anything...its little things like that that make us an economic power house..... bottom line is if a telemarketer tries to call your house you're going to hang up on them or not even answer... home security systems and wireless medical pendens can save lives.... have to get the info out there somehow even if you have to use a little deception...
ReplyDeleteno, deceptive marketing practices are ILLEGAL. there is no such thing as "little deception". You are wasting my time because i am under impression that i have a package!!
ReplyDeleteGot a delivery scam note today 6/4/2012 exactly like the picture above. The phone number on it is 1-877-625-1118 the voice mail is for scotts alarm. What jerks!
ReplyDeleteJune 13, 2012 They are trying this scam in Hollywood, Fl. I got a notice today and called. The lady told me that the company General Electric. I just hung up
ReplyDeleteI got the same garbage with a different phone # 1-888-424-4902, threw it out. I do not want to deal with a company with a ad scam gimmick.
ReplyDeleteIf I see one of these guys approach my house again, he will be greeted with my 12 gauge in the face.
ReplyDelete#1. In our town you have to have a sidewalk permit to do door to door, I will be calling my town first thing in the morning to check and see if National Security Source has a permit. #2. I don't mind door to door salesman, however it was very odd they did not knock on the door, and someone is always here always.
ReplyDelete#3. I hope they know Indiana is a concealed weapon state and either one or more of us carry and conceal.
Just found the same sticky note on my door in the Crown Point - Schererville area in Indiana.
ReplyDeleteThey have now reached Colorado. Funny thing is that I was expecting a delivery yesterday. There is no question that this is deceitful and I agree with the person who questioned why anyone would want to do business with a company who thinks any level of lying is legitimate as a business strategy. To the person who works for the company and is defending this practice..... This is not what makes this a great country!..........it is why we have "Occupy Wall Street"!
ReplyDeleteI forgot to add in my note above........Post your complaint against this deceitful company on Facebook and spread the word. This blog is great but it won't stop them.
ReplyDeleteWe got one also, with no hand written anything. We already have a security system and my house is posted as such. Also, when I called and they started in on their blurb I asked why they left the delivery notice if nothing was to be delivered. They hung up on me. I did this twice and they hung up both times. If this was legit then why hang up and not just explain to me what they are doing. I am getting ready to complain to GE about the notice.
ReplyDeleteWe got one in Wilkes Barre PA today.This type of marketing is pathetic. Do you really think I would trust my family's security to A company with morals like yours?
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing to me that these notes are so negative and harmful. If the sticker left a mark on your door, then they should come clean it with Windex for you. Other than that??? what is the harm. Your email, and mail boxes are flooded with Spam and Junk mail that are sent from companies all over the planet. A local company is putting people to work with a respected corporation GE Security. I wonder if the same people writing these notes have similar free time to contact all companies sending junk mail, and return ugly notes to all the emails collected in their email and spam folders? Did you flip them the Bird?
ReplyDeleteI know this program very well, and have used it it 15 - 16 cities. Not one of them have had notes and comments like these. Scott Alarm, a GE Home Technology dealer, provides jobs, save lives and support law enforcement for over 40 years. It is regretful that a few other companies have "Knocked Off" this program in all the other markets mentioned here. We are actively supporting the Attorney General in markets where this is a violation. Not in Jacksonville. The States Attorney has no case there. I hope you never need life safety response, and fire protection...however if you do, I pray to God that you and your loved ones are safe.
John F GE Security
I hated to waste time looking at that stupid post it to check how legitimate it was. This method is deceptive, an alarm company should rather inspire trust than deception! It must be a very crummy company to have to use this method to get business.....on the other hand if people are ignorant enough to get caught by this marketing technic they may be stupid enough to buy their product....I found it very insulting. Shame on them.....liars: I did not miss previous notices.
ReplyDeleteI got one of these BS notices just now in Hollywood, FL. I am actually expecting a package from UPS today, so I was pissed to see an attempt notice on my door since I work from home and have been here all day.
ReplyDeleteI wish a security person would follow a street behind them & remove each one then file charges in the company if they have no solicitation rules. If the out them on someone's mailbox, that might be a federal charge.
ReplyDeleteJust arrived home and saw this notice on my door as well "Delivery Attemopt Notice" From "GE 2GIG Technologies" final attemptdelivery. Called the number 888-22-1377 and got a message saying they were not taking calls. Deceptive practice, and in my neighborhood there have been break ins, so these people better be careful as the police are already watching the neighborhood. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
ReplyDeleteGot one of these pos it's today myself. Turns out UPS guy was delivering while these were being put up in the neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me based on the way other anonymous people are defending this company, that this is some kind of multi-level marketing (pyramid) company.
Let me guess you attended some kind of seminar about a great business opportunity? They sold you a "starter kit" (that included these pos-it notes), you get a commission for every alarm system sold with your route code? And a percentage of anyone who signs up to go into business themselves if you bring them in.
I feel bad for the people who are caught up in this. Please get out while you before you are even more invested in this scam (it is a scam). Good luck finding a stable well paying job.
Found one of these on our door yesterday afternoon. Crappy business practice. Won't be calling. Neighbors are already talking about this on local message boards and they won't be calling either. Have informed our local consumer watchdog Clark Howard about these, hopefully he will be broadcasting his distaste on his daily radio show.
ReplyDeleteGot one of these today in South Florida... different design on the note (no GE logo), and the number was (866) 308-5106. The door tag was left on my front door saying a package was not delivered. At the bottom, it says to track your package or reschedule delivery, you must call this number. I was expecting a delivery, so I called, even though I thought the notice was sketchy (there is no logo of a delivery company on it).
ReplyDeleteAfter being on hold for 7 minutes, a man named Peter answered, and after giving him the door tag number at the bottom, he says there has been a rise in crime in my area and offers to send me alarm equipment. I was FURIOUS and hung up. One of the previous commenters is right - why in the world would anyone give business to a security company that is so deceptive? I could never trust a company that pulled this kind of scam.
I Got one today on my door saying
ReplyDeleteDelivery Notice!
important time date sensitive material
my name =
date =
time: 12 noon
[x] 1st Attempt [ ] 2nd Attempt [ ] Final Attempt
please call within 24 hours to reschedule your delivery
Phone # 555-55-555
of course I wont put there name and number
I respect there private as will as mine
but I know its a scam or a collection agency
then later that day around 1800 a maroon color Cadillac
with a 300lbs old man comes to the door of course I dont answer
This type of marketing really brings out the sicko Schizoid personality people. They need to crawl back into the hole they came from. Delivery notices are are a marketing tool. Too bad if you don't like it. Get over it and get a life you anal people.
ReplyDeleteGot one today in East Orlando. Still has GE stamp on it. They should not be saying that there was a Delivery Notice when they are not delivering anything!
ReplyDeleteGot one in East Orlando, Bridgewater community, no soliciting allowed also. Still has the GE logo on it and it says Power Home Technologies, Inc. 888-332-2712 Lic # MD 107-1335, GA LVA205269, FL EF0000126
ReplyDeleteIn an age where most people will do anything for money the fact that they are being so deceptive is some how justified by the fact that they are giving away $100 if your ok with it. sad...
Got one of these last name and it does have the GE logo on it. Knew it was a scam, did not respond.
ReplyDeleteShould read "Got one of these last WEEK"
DeleteGot one of these yesterday. Googled it, knew not to call. There is no company name any more and no logo, but it still has the 'We are sorry we missed you', etc. I also live in a no solicitation area in Florida. I am amazing at how many people go door to door selling lawn care services, cable and things like this. Please stop. It is deceptive. Just create a real flyer, with your company name, your offers/specials and number. I promise you that you'd get more business that way. This just makes people annoyed. I've worked in marketing for years and here are some pointers for the companies that do this: No one likes spam - whether it is paper/snail mail or e-mail. No one likes deceptive business cards, etc. either. JUST. BE.HONEST. It would go a long way.
ReplyDeleteReceived one of these on yellow tag with big red letters saying DELIVERY NOTICE Important time and Date Sensitive Material. I will be waiting to deal with this when they come back at the appointed time.
ReplyDeleteFive years after the original post, I got this on my door! With a different phone # 877-772-6552
ReplyDeleteI just got the same now... same number 877-772-6552 ... how dumb do they think we are?.. I wish I caught the guy who posted this to my front door!
ReplyDeleteJust got one of these as well, with the 877-772-6552 number... took me some research to find this page, luckily... I'm up in Rhode Island so apparently it's a widespread network.
ReplyDeleteI received the 877-772-6552 one today, and I know I am not expecting anything... I am in Connecticut... watch out folks.
ReplyDeleteWell it has reached CT - found one on my door today. More stupid BS marketing crap...throw it in the trash!
ReplyDeleteYup, I'm in CT too. Got one yesterday. Glad I Googled the 877 number before calling.
same here....in west hartford
DeleteIn RI and found one on my door this morning. I did notice that in small letters on the border it reads "For advertising purposes only." I suppose this covers their a$$ as far as meeting solicitation regulations...smh
ReplyDeleteI know this is an old post, but thank you for writing this. Just yesterday I found one of these on my door. No logo, but cleverly designed to mimic a UPS missed package notice, with a handwritten "route code." I assumed it was someone trying to sell something, but I decided to Google the phone number and this was the first hit. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteNobody has mentioned this yet, but a bright yellow sticky note right in the middle of your front door is a big sign to anyone looking for a home to break into that THIS HOUSE IS UNOCCUPIED. This is not the only company that does this, but anyone who does should know that if they leave this sign unsolicited and then someone breaks in, they are an accessory to burglary. Just sayin'.
ReplyDeleteThanks for writing this - I got one of these today too - number to call was 844-867-2503. Hopefully other people will find this post if they google the number (like I did!). FWIW, I called, they asked what city and state I was calling from, and I said "don't you know, you put the note on my door!" The woman on the ther end got VERY upset, informing me that she's "IN THE MAIN OFFICE, NOT IN THE FIELD, SIRRRR." I asked what company she worked for, then she hung up. So, all around great time.
ReplyDeleteLOL - they're still going at it. I found a pair of these stickies on my front door today. My wife thought they were from UPS, as one of their trucks had gone by earlier and the colors are similar. Not sure it will do any good, but I think I'll bring them to the city police and the state AG's office.
ReplyDeleteGot the same paper today on my door saying last attempt and I never received the first attempt. Don't know what BruHa is but you won't get me with a call or anything and beware of this number 844-867-2503
ReplyDeleteMy sticker was for solar...... but YES it was a scam.
ReplyDeleteApril 11, 2017. Johnston, RI. Thanks for this post - I googled the phone number on the sticker (844-867-2503) and found your blog post.